South Korea Kim spouse of presidential candidate covered her face make SHOCKING
일상에서건진글 2021. 12. 17. 09:08
News title by The fact
[Exclusive] Silence in 'Julie Controversy', Kim Gun-hee hastily covered her face!
Kim Geon-hee, spouse of presidential candidate Yoon Seok-yeol in PPP that liberal party in Korea , delayed her going up the public mound , and various controversies are increasing.
On the 13th Dec, in front of the Cobana Contents office in Seocho-dong, her business office, <The Fact> reporters evaded questions
[The FactㅣInvestigative Reporting Team] "Please clarify your position on the Julie controversy."
"When will the public schedule start?"

On the afternoon of the 13th. Dec., reporters from <The Fact> met Kim Kun-hee in front of her office, Kovana Content, located in the basement of a residential and commercial complex in Seocho-dong, Seoul. Cobana Contents is a cultural contents company that attracts and plans various exhibitions and performances at home and abroad, and is headed by Kun-hee Kim. <The Fact> started the interview to hear the position of Kim Gun-hee, who is a party to the 'Julie controversy*' and 'false career suspicion', which are heating up the current presidential election, and then left the office with the party at around 5:40 pm on the same day.
(* The Julie Controversy is based on testimonies that Kim Geon-hee worked as a waitress in the past and claims that deny it.)
Kim, who ran into reporters, hurriedly covered his face and ran into the office, avoiding answers to the questions, "Please clarify your position on the Julie controversy" and "When will the public schedule start?" The party also hurried to the office, covering Kim's face and neck with their hands.
The most shocking part of the people is the scene where the man presses Kim's neck and runs away.
Mr. Kim did not answer the question in the end and did not come out of the office after that.
Mr. Kim, who ran into reporters, hurriedly covered his face and ran into the office, avoiding answers to the questions, "Please clarify your position on the Julie controversy" and "When will the public schedule start?" The party also hurried to the office, covering Kim's face and neck with their hands.
Mr. Kim did not answer the question in the end and did not come out of the office after that.

And with the claim that Kim called the reporter “oppa” and inappropriate apology for false information, the spouse risk is not fading. Oppa ( literally older brother) is a title used between very close men and women or lovers.
Unlike her rival, Lee Jae-myung, the Democratic Party presidential candidate's wife, Kim Hye-kyung, Kim is continuing her 'undercover affair', which does not reveal her appearance. As a result, curiosity about wife Kim, who has been delaying her start-up schedule after unusually absent from the inauguration ceremony, is growing even more. The <The Fact> reporters requested an interview with Kim Kun-hee at the People's Power presidential campaign several times, but it didn't work, so they went directly to the coverage.
Kim's suspicions about her relationship with former Sambu Construction Chairman Cho Nam-wook, the so-called 'Julie Controversy', 'career controversy' that she intentionally entered false information in her resume, and 'college in stock price manipulation' with Deutsche Motors chairman Kwon Oh-soo and many other suspicions.
With about 80 days left before the presidential election, Kim is continuing her undercover with many suspicions. The longer the stealth, the more controversial the suspicion seems to be.
As Kim seldom appears on public schedules, the fight between the ruling and opposition parties over it is getting fiercer. In the passport, the president's family is also subject to verification, raising the level of criticism, but the opposition is passive. However, the opposition is also raising the prospect that she will not appear before the election in some way.
The Democratic Party of Korea (Democratic Party) is continuing its wave of attacks on Kim. Former Minister of Justice Chu Mi-ae posted a picture of Kim on his SNS on the 11th and wrote, 'I ask for the truth from Kim.' They demanded that I respond to plagiarism and false information.
"There has never been a spouse of a presidential candidate like this," Choo said.
Park Chan-dae, a member of the Democratic Party of Korea, also mentioned Kim's false career and suspicions of stock price manipulation at the National Assembly plenary session on the 9th, claiming, "It was a record of taking other people's opportunities with a 'fake life', just like the main character in the movie 'Wagon Car'." .
Former lawmaker Son Hye-won raised suspicions of plastic surgery, saying, "I knew that her face had changed, but when I looked closely, her eyes grew huge." has been criticized.

Regarding Kim, who rarely shows up, Lee Jun-seok, the representative of the People's Power party aka PPP, even said, "I think I had a preconceived notion before meeting Kim Gun-hee." When asked when Mr. Kim would appear in public on the 12th, Kim Byung-jun, chairman of the People's Power Standing Election Committee, said, "Of course she should. I think," he said through a broadcast.
After the first meeting of the National Election Countermeasures Committee held at the National Assembly on the 7th, Candidate Seok-yeol Yoon briefly responded to a To the reporter's question about the timing of Kim's public move, he briefly answered, "Isn't she going to appear in front of the public at an appropriate time?"

After the first meeting of the National Election Countermeasures Committee held at the National Assembly on the 7th, Candidate Seok-yeol Yoon briefly responded to a reporter's question about the timing of Kim's public move, saying, "Would you like to appear in front of the public at an appropriate time?"
This move of Kim is interpreted as the intention of Candidate Yoon to reduce variables as much as possible while performing the 'strong strategy' and 'ensure competitive capability' of the first-place candidate. Recently, the suspicion that Kovana Contents was illegally sponsored by a large company has been partially acquitted, and the suspicion of Deutsche Motors stock is also said to have no reason to appear prematurely in the absence of meaningful statements from officials.
However, the general view of politicians is that they will have no choice but to appear at a different point in the presidential race, especially when entering the official election period.
<Investigative Reporting Team = Reporters Bae Jeong-han, Lee Deok-in, Lim Se-jun, and Yoon Woong>
Investigative Reporting Team
The source of this news is from The Fact
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