Time flow,
memories are erased.
In the end,
just as summer passes,
Time passes me.
He's already gone to another Time,
I know he exists only in my memory.
Even My memory is fading away fast.
I'm the one who needs experience.
After 45 birthdays,
I still meed experiences.
I've been through a lot.
I think I've seen a lot of selfish people.
Evil words poured out on me by them,
Evil power manipulate me.
I've thought finally
I knew how to avoid them.
My heart was stirred by him,
but in fact this was an accident
I had been waiting for.
I was able to look back
on myself in my 40s
after passing through my 20s,
when I was in my 30s.
when I was hurt by people,
I wrote about myself.
I was the only one on my side
who loved me and cared for me.
I wrote down my deep-seated anger.
I wrote about the people
who tried to manipulate me.
It wasn't until
I was able to separate myself from them,
separate my highness from their vulgarity
that I was able to meet the moment
I had been waiting for.
He certainly wasn't the man I dreamed of.
Maybe I've been waiting for someone
who looks at me with warm eyes
and listens to me.
I think he showed his friendliness to me naturally because he was a trans.
I finally finished organizing
what happened to me and
my feelings at the end of summer.

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